Raphael Gomes Posted January 25, 2024 Topic Count: 12 Topics Per Day: 0.01 Content Count: 46 Content Per Day: 0.05 Reputation: 8 Achievement Points: 315 Solved Content: 0 Days Won: 1 Status: Offline Device: Windows Report Posted January 25, 2024 Bom dia, Estou com a missão de realizar uma query que busca Orçado x Realizado x Saldo conforme a tarefa do projeto e período: A questão é, existe alguma tabela de histórico de orçamento? Como está a consulta hoje: select mtarefa.idprj [identificador do projeto], mtarefa.codtrf [código da tarefa], mtarefa.descricao [descrição da tarefa], mtarefa.idpai, format(isnull(mtarefa.custototal, 0), 'n', 'pt-br') as 'orçado', format(isnull((select sum(titmmovratccu.valor) from titmmovratccu left join titmmov on titmmovratccu.codcoligada = titmmov.codcoligada and titmmovratccu.idmov = titmmov.idmov and titmmovratccu.nseqitmmov = titmmov.nseqitmmov left join tmov on titmmov.codcoligada = tmov.codcoligada and titmmov.idmov = tmov.idmov where titmmovratccu.codcoligada = mtarefa.codcoligada and titmmovratccu.idprj = mtarefa.idprj and titmmovratccu.idtrf = mtarefa.idtrf and (tmov.codtmv in ('1.1.06', '1.1.28', '1.1.10', '1.1.59') or tmov.codtmv is null) and tmov.datacriacao >= '20230101' and tmov.datacriacao <= '20240125' /*and tmov.codtmv <> '1.1.08'*/), 0), 'n', 'pt-br') as 'realizado', format((isnull(mtarefa.custototal, 0) - isnull((select sum(titmmovratccu.valor) from titmmovratccu left join titmmov on titmmovratccu.codcoligada = titmmov.codcoligada and titmmovratccu.idmov = titmmov.idmov and titmmovratccu.nseqitmmov = titmmov.nseqitmmov left join tmov on titmmov.codcoligada = tmov.codcoligada and titmmov.idmov = tmov.idmov where titmmovratccu.codcoligada = mtarefa.codcoligada and titmmovratccu.idprj = mtarefa.idprj and titmmovratccu.idtrf = mtarefa.idtrf and (tmov.codtmv in ('1.1.06', '1.1.28', '1.1.10', '1.1.59') or tmov.codtmv is null) and tmov.datacriacao >= '20230101' and tmov.datacriacao <= '20240125' /*and tmov.codtmv <> '1.1.08'*/), 0)), 'n', 'pt-br') as 'saldo' from mtarefa join mtrfcompl on mtarefa.codcoligada = mtrfcompl.codcoligada and mtarefa.idprj = mtrfcompl.idprj and mtarefa.idtrf = mtrfcompl.idtrf where mtarefa.idprj = 53 and mtarefa.tipoplanilha <> 1 group by mtarefa.idprj, mtarefa.codtrf, mtarefa.descricao, mtarefa.idtrf, mtarefa.custototal, mtarefa.codcoligada Quote
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